Prayer + Fasting Newsletter
I have been engaging in monthly prayer and fasting since the start of 2024, and the outcomes have been truly remarkable, witnessing the work of God. Each session spent in deep prayer has been enlightening, leading me to understand more about my purpose, sharing His message with others, and discerning the next steps to take in my journey.
This spiritual voyage is one I deeply value, never taking for granted. Prayer and fasting provide a unique opportunity to delve deeper and listen closely as God speaks within us. I have extended this journey to include my mother, grandmother, and best friend, as we seek to strengthen our relationship with God, and I now feel compelled to invite you to join us.
From the 1st - 3rd of each month, we will dedicate time to discover God's plans for us, discern what we need to let go of, and embrace what He requires of us to serve as willing vessels.
If you seek clearer communication with God, do not converse with Him regularly, have experienced recent hardships, feel stagnant, lack clarity, or harbor doubts, now is the time to lay it all before God. Approach Him with an open heart, even if His message challenges you. Remember, God sees your heart and aims to answer the questions you've posed or the thoughts lingering in your mind.
The crucial decision lies in inviting Him in. I invite you to join me on this 3-day prayer and fasting journey to unlock God's revelations.
Further instructions will be shared exclusively via email and text messages. So, if you’re not subscribed, please make sure to sign up. Throughout this journey, I will provide insights including:
- The significance of prayer and fasting
- Guidelines for fasting over the 3 days
- Anticipated experiences and benefits during this time.
*There will be some excerpts provided within the emails/texts you receive from a book called Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by Pastor Jentezen Franklin. That has really helped unpacking what it means to fast and how it has helped me on my journey. If you’d like, please take the opportunity to read this book during or after the fast to receive more revelation on the importance of prayer and fasting.
**At the end of the fast, I invite you to share your experience in the comments below.
Are you ready? Let’s Go!!
Janelle CEO & Founder of THE HNDCRFTD CO.