Acres of Diamonds by Jentezen Franklin
“Acres of Diamonds" is an essential read that reveals how what God has planned for you is right where you are. It often resides in the ordinary aspects of your life that you might have overlooked.
Have you ever felt called by God to a particular place or task, only to find that things don't unfold as you expected?
By taking a moment to pause and observe the countless small miracles that He wants you to notice, you'll start to realize that there is much more than what appears on the surface.
When God keeps me in a situation longer than I anticipated, it’s often because He wants me to stop focusing on how to escape and instead, embrace what is already within my reach. Once I shifted my perspective, I realized that He was using me for a purpose in an area I least expected.
Experiencing what God has in store for you where you currently are requires you to be obedient in slowing down and truly observing it. This also reveals who is in control, and that is God. He understands your needs, knows your destination, and has a plan for why and when you are where you are. Everything meant for you is orchestrated by Him. He knows exactly what He is doing and aims to help you slow down so you can recognize and appreciate what He is developing within you, preparing you for the next blessing He intends to provide. This transformation occurs when you learn to listen closely, discern the voice of God, and acknowledge the various ways He communicates with you.
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